JAKA Equites Corp. (JEC) focuses mainly on supplying splints, finished products, or setting up manufacturing joint ventures whenever feasible.
The company aims to expand and grow in the ASEAN region, and is working at becoming a major supplier of splints and matchsticks to other match manufacturers.
JEC in partnership with Casilayan Softwood Development Corporation (CSDC), produces safety matches which are not only at par with today's standards, but are also made through eco-friendly means; all wood products that go into each match box are made from JAKA's Integrated Forestry Management Agreement (IFMA) concessions.
JEC only works with accredited suppliers for the chemical components and packaging materials used, assuring that JEC's safety matches follow the highest of standards in the industry.
Matchmaking Process
Over the years, JAKA Equities Corp. (JEC) has perfected the process of making safety matches that are safe, reliable and convenient.
A safety match is composed of the following parts:
Splints - also known as the matchstick. Each has a head, where the chemicals for combustions are contained; tinder, which picks up and transmits the flame, and a handle.
Match Box - It has an outer box, which provides enclosure and striking surface at the sides; and an inner box, which houses the splints.
The production process goes through the following stages:
1.Wood preparation and Veneering
2.Box Making (production of inner and outer boxes)
3.Splint Processing
4.Head Processing
5.Box Filling and Closing
6.Labelling and Striking Surface Painting
7.Packeting and Packaging
The JEC Quality Assurance Division periodically monitors and reviews the production process. It checks the splints, match sticks, and match boxes ensuring that every product is compliant by the standards set by JEC.
Safeguard for the environment is of utmost importance in operations, through different anti-pollution systems, like Air Pollution Control Device (APCD) and dust collector strategies in place.
Matches are exclusively distributed by the JAKA Distribution Inc. and JEC Marketing.